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Liên Hệ Mua Hàng: 0984.535.820

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Serenade® MAX is a bio-fungicide to aid in the suppression of early blight in potatoes and powdery mildew, botrytis and bacterial diseases in many fruit and vegetable crops including bulb vegetables (Crop Group 3), leafy vegetables (Crop Group 4), cole crops (Crop Group 5), cucurbit vegetables (Crop Group 9), fruiting vegetables (Crop Group 8) and bushberries and caneberries (Crop Group 13).

Active Ingredients:

QST 713 strain of Bacillus subtilis.

Resistance Management:

Serenade MAX has a unique mode of action and fungicide group (Group 44), which makes it very difficult for diseases to develop resistance.

Serenade MAX can help with resistance issues by preventing diseases from developing ways to combat single site synthetic products.

Serenade MAX works best when used in a program approach with other chemistries throughout the growing season to decrease the chance of resistance for all products on that particular crop.

Pests Supressed

Apple scab
Bacteria blight
Botrytis grey mould
Botrytis leaf blight
Botrytis pod rot
Brown rot
Downy mildew
Early blight
Fire blight
Frog eye leaf spot
Leaf spot
Mummy berry
Pin rot
Pink rot
Powdery mildew
Sclerotinia stem rot
Sclerotinia white mould
Sour rot
White rust


Serenade Max is a broad spectrum fungicide and bactericide based on Bacillus Subtilis strain QST 713.

Fungicidal and antibacterial action is mainly due to lipopeptides that are only synthesized by this strain. They act directly on the pathogen cell wall.

As Serenade Max acts in contact, primarily by destroying the cell membrane of the pathogens without affecting their metabolism, minimizes the risk of developing resistance – whether on their own or in integrated disease control programs.

Serenade Max has two main levels of action:

• fungicidal activity against pathogens such as Botrytis, brown rot, scabies and sclerotia (stem rot)

• bactericidal effect against bacteria such as Erwinia

At the same time, it has been shown that Bacillus Subtilis activates the plant’s natural defense mechanisms and improves growth that has a positive effect on the crop.

The natural origin of Serenade®Max provides a number of features that are beneficial for the consumer, crops and the environment, such as:

• fitness for use in organic farming

• lack of technological waste

• a short quarantine period

• No toxicity and risk phrases (R) on the product label

• Excellent compatibility with useful insects.

In addition, Serenade Max is very flexible to use and can be combined with most fungicides (including sulfur and copper), insecticides, fertilizers and binders.

• Strawberries, raspberries, grapes, kiwi: – Botrytis cinerea – 3-6kg / ha – on disease or preventive and repetitions in 7-10 days – Pseudomonas syringae – 1-3kg / ha – before rain and pre-spring before spring

• Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower: – Sclerotinia sclerotium – 3-6kg / ha – on disease or preventative after transplantation; 7-14 days repeat – Peronospora parasitica; Alternaria / Xanthomonas – 2-3kg / ha.

• Beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas: – Sclerotinia sclerotium – 3-6kg / ha – when planting before germination, 7 days after laying and 7-14 days if required – Botrytis cinerea – 3-6kg / ha Of disease or preventive and repetitions in 7-10 days

• Soybean: – Sclerotinia sclerotium – 1-3kg / ha – on germination and if required by the conditions – Septoria glycines; Cercospora sojina – 0.25-1kg / ha

• Onions, garlic: – Botrytis allii; Botrytis leaf blight – 3-4.5kg / ha – on disease or preventive and repetitions in 7-10 days – Peronospora destructor – 3-6kg / ha

• Peanuts: – Cercospora arachidicola; Cercosporidium personatum – 1-3 kg / ha – on emergence or if conditions require it; Reps in 7-10 days

• Beets, carrots, radish, radish, potato: – Sclerotinia sclerotiorum – 2-4kg / ha – on germination or if conditions require it; Reps in 7-10 days

• Cucumber, pumpkin, watermelon: – Erysiphe cichoracearum, Sphaerotheca fuliginea – 3-6kg / ha – on emergence or if conditions require it; 7-10 days repeat – Pseudoperonospora cubensis – 1-3kg / ha – on emergence or if conditions require it; Reps in 7-10 days

• Eggplant, pomelos, peppers, tomatoes: – Alternaria solani – 4,5kg / ha – when the plants are 6-10 cm tall or if the conditions require it; 5-7 day replicates – Botrytis cinerea – 3-6 kg / ha – – // –

• Tomatoes, peppers: – Erysiphe orontii, Leveillula taurica – 3-6 kg / ha – on emergence or if conditions require it; Replicates in 7-10 days – Xanthomonas campestris – 1-3kg / ha – – // –

• Grapes: – Uncinula necator – 3-6kg / ha – when new shoots are 1-3cm, again when 6-10cm and 18-20cm and 7-10 days – Botrytis cinerea and others. – 3-6kg / ha – for flowering, color closure, maturation and picking.

• Leafy vegetables: – Sclerotinia minor, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum – 1-3kg / ha – during planting, 7 days after thinning, repeat in 10-14 days – Botrytis cinerea – 1-3kg / ha – germinating and repellents in 7-10 Days.

• Lettuce: – Bremia lactucae – 3-6kg / ha – if illness or if conditions require it, reps in 7-10 days.

• Spinach: – Albugo occidentalis – 1-2kg / ha – if disease occurs or if conditions require it, reps in 7-10 days.

• Celery: – Sclerotinia sclerotiorum – 3-6kg / ha – 8 weeks before harvesting and closures in 2 weeks. To cover the base of the plants and the surrounding soil.

• Apple, pear: – Erwinia amylovora – 2-3kg / ha – at the beginning of flowering and 7-10 days, 4-7 days in the intensive period

• Apple: – Podosphaera leucotricha – 3-6kg / ha – – // –

• stone fruit: – Monilinia spp. – 3-6kg / ha – at the beginning of flowering and 7 days to the fall of the petals

• herbs and spices: – Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum – 3-6kg / ha – when conditions require it during 7-10 days